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The House Of Evil Granny

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Grannies are supposed to be old, feeble and barely walking. Yet this one is vigorous, fast and rather aggressive. She is also a serial killer trapping people in her house and chasing them with her baseball bate. Not quite the kind of a granny you would like to visit on a summer vacation. Now you have to get out and you have just five attempts!

Can you escape Granny’s house?

You’ll start out in the bedroom upstairs. Your first task is to find the key somewhere in this room and open the door. From there, you can start exploring the rest of the building. Your ultimate goal is the front door, but there are also other ways of escaping this horrible place – you can stumble upon them during your searches. Every room may turn out to contain some handy items – pick them up and guess how to use them to pave your way to freedom. Good luck!

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