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Sir Kain Battle

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Sir Cain is a glorious knight that is known to everyone in the world. He can boast plenty of victories and can wield his sword not only in an efficient, but also in a spectacular way. It’s a pleasure to watch him fight, and it’s even more exciting to fight as him! In this game you can enjoy a real knight battle against an army of opponents increasing your level and improving your skills. Learn the moves you can use and show your dexterity and bravery!

Enjoy the thrill of the battle!

The controls are really simple and won’t cause you any trouble as you’re getting used to them. Rely on your intuition, but keep your eyes peeled to catch any weakness of your opponent. Also watch your health bar closely – if it drops to a minimum, you’d better switch to a defensive tactic. Dynamic gameplay and stylish graphics will keep you going for more than one hour!

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